Mom came home and it was still light out. She let us out but I have to be chained so the twins do not run away. Unfortunately, they do not get it. They are suppose to eat the grass and weed all around but instead they wanted to hang out on the deck. Mom was making dinner and they could see her at the window and were asking for dinner as well. We get grains every night and that is what they wanted. While they were on the deck, dad decided to scare them off with this big noisy vehicle. The twins started running and running, going all around the house. Mom came out and said to dad "they need to eat, please stop torturing them!". The twins were so happy to see mom. No more scary, noisy machine. We finally got our grains.
Stuart, would you thank Mom for sending your blog to a Kentucky friend. You are so cute and funny! It's difficult to understand how mom can stand to be away from you and your friends all day long. There must be more ways you can get her attention so she will come home earlier. Your idea of getting on top of a table and house were outstanding. I had no idea that goats are so smart!!