Buster scary ordeal

Buster is very scared. He got 2 shots in the ass on Saturday and now he doesn't trust anybody. He also got his head cleaned and washed after he got tied to the tree. I know my mom is trying to help him. He was all bloody. He spends most of his time in his house. He doesn't feel good. mom comes to check on him but twice a day she comes with some liquid and forces it down his troat. Finally he decided to hide in the bushes.

1 comment:

  1. The dog was a abandon dog at my x's place. he was rons new buddy as he took him in. He is a nice family dog but felt the goats were a threat to his owner.. so chomp..
    He is a great protector of Jeff's grand daughter... she is a toddler and rides him and plays with him and Tyson just loves and tolerates all the child play. she is a luck girl to have a great protector like Tyson. He had a little girl to protect in his last family before they moved and could not keep him. Glad he found a home.. finding ty a home was a big job.. thanks for everyone's help and patients.. and the goats sacrifice of some ear meat.
