Poisonous plant

This plant is beautiful but poisonous for goats. Please, please keep them away from it. It is called a rhododendron. Check out the other poisonous plants.


Goats get food poisoning too

Some plants are poisonous to us but we did not find out after we pucked our guts out. Buster ate the most of the plant, (see blog above) and Titan did not get sick. He just had sympathy pain. The foam is coming up to my mouth and it hurts very bad. Buster was the sickest. He was throwing up all day yesterday and today I am the one who feels the worst.

Crunchy multi-grains grains

What a suprise to find that our nightly grains were crunchy. Me and my brothers, we dipped our heads into the bucket and we like that crunchy taste, we had to lift our heads to chew on it. Yummy!

My head is scratching

Please! Please! put something on my head to help me with that constant scratching. This sticky, dark orange gel is helping my head. I need a scratching post or something so I can rub my head against it.