Tall grass is comfortable

At the end of a long day, I too want to rest in the grass amongst the daisies. Here I am sticking my head out for the photographer's shot.

Buster is taking a rest from eating

Buster tend to eat a lot and at the end of a long day of eating, he gets so full that he has to lay down and rest his belly.

Homemade hay

This dry herb is from the yard. We are not like sheep. We do not eat the grass that fast, so Ron cut the grass and my mom put it in the manger to dry. Now we are having a feast. There is at least a bale hiding somewhere, out of our reach.

In the daisies

The daisies are so tall. Me and Buster are eating the grass around them.

Always together

Buster and Titan just spent the night on the big reel. The one big enough for one big goat (ME!) or two little ones. At night, they always sleep together. During the day, they sometime nap together.

Full bucket of watermelon

Look at that nice watermelon. Perfect for a hot summer day (where is summer?). Juicy and refreshing. The pieces have to be cut so we can eat them easily. Titan walked away because the pieces were to big. He is food challenged (see pic of him eating the peach).

Messy eaters of watermelon

Laetitia our friend, gave us a watermelon. It is the perfect food for a hot summer day. Sweet and refreshing. See the video below (click on the link: messy eaters) and enjoy!!
Messy eaters